The past few sundays I have joined several other BMX friends at the legendary Redondo Pier spot. "The Spot" as it was referred to in BMX for over a decade was a practise area for many of the top pros in BMX during the mid to late 80s. We usually ride flatland at the spot for a few hours then pedal around and up to the Hermosa pier generally ending the night with a few pints. (for the adults of course haha)
Jason Pitschke is the real motivation behind this sunday funday bro-down and its a cool way to connect the different age groups of BMX in our community. The Spot is next to the brick floor near the entrance to the parking garage coming from Hermosa. See you guys Sunday around 530pm (Im talking to you RL:)
Tunney, Russell, Pitschke, and myself. Where in the doubleboomerang is Chris Day?
Photo: Brian Tunney